15 Minute publisher report + 9/11 Scare + Spanish Publisher Report/Count = WTS INCREASE..................
Black Man
JoinedPosts by Black Man
by jimbob inperhaps this information has already been posted, so if it has i apologize.
but according to the jan 1st watchtower which was given to me, there was a 2.8% increase in publishers in the world over last year, with over 1.2 billion hours spent in service...(like those numbers aren't inflated.... when i looked back at the 92 watchtower, the number of partakers was only 8850...a mere 90 people more.
so in the span of an entire decade...only 90 people have died?????
Gone for good?
by JH inwhat would make you come back to the organisation?
after the 9-11 events, many were scared of what would happen next, and returned to the meetings.
now that the dust has fallen, in more ways than one, what event in your life would make you reconsider and go back this time for good.. .
Black Man
For me:
Some type of financial reparations for all the years spent pioneering, bethel service, indentured servantship, loss of time that could have been spent getting a degree and living decently in the real world.
A strictly enforced NO PROPHESY rule on scriptures.
Change blood and disfellowshipment issues to conscience matters.
How many hours are falsely reported?
by badboy inin the january 1 issue of each year, they harp on about how many hours the jws did last year etc etc.. how many hours are possibly falsely reported?.
Black Man
GREAT THREAD!!! This goes back to the top. Up.........
4 Minimus
by Pathofthorns init is pretty pathetic for some people that claim they don't like the content/style/quantity of your threads and then to constantly dog you in them.
i think it takes a decent measure of talent and thought to consistently post interesting questions that generate good responses and from the number of replies/reads you get per thread, i would say others think similarly.. even your critics cannot seem to resist opening and reading what you write.
personally, i think they are jealous and frustrated that simple questions generate more interest here than their long well-researched essays.
Black Man
Keep 'em coming, man. I dig the posts. The point of a DISCUSSION BOARD is to have......DISCUSSIONS. Your questions make it so......peace.
Black Man
One COOL JAZZ CAT..........you all have got GOOD musical taste.
Am I damaging the silentlambs cause?
by Simon inone of the few unfounded (i think) accusations that have been thrown at me by certain people is that i have caused 'untold damage' to the silentambs cause.. i don't know quite what this is supposed to mean or what i'm suppoed to have done or whether it is anything more than just 'mud' flung by people who find it easier to criticise rather than actually do anything.. over the last year (is it?
) i've been happy to promote the silentlambs cause and have hosted links to bills site and vidoes / sound files of tv programmes, radio reports, photo's of the march etc... as well as providing a place for people to meet and arrange things.
i hope it has been useful and helpful to at least some people.. if i have inadventantly held things up in some way then i unreservedly and wholeheartedly apologise.. all i can say is, i do my best and may not always get things right.
Black Man
You have helped to take the cause to the next level with your linkage and all. Thank you for this site and all you have done. You'll never know the level of appreciation that's out there for your efforts. Keep up the good work, man...............
Ted Jaracz - the accused
by Nathan Natas inat the silentlambs march in brooklyn ny on september 27, 2002 a woman made a public statement which began, .
i'm pat garza, and i'm here today because i was raped by theodore jaracz when i was a little girl, in the city of los angeles, he was district servant.
there are two boys; their initials are "m.v.
Black Man
Great post, Nathan!
Good thoughts, Grits!!
I tend to echo Hillary's thoughts on this. She's not getting good legal counsel. Accusations THAT serious should NEVER have been given to the public in that fashion. It makes her look like she's got ISSUES or is making it up. She needs to fire her lawyers and get a new set with better strategy. My heart goes out to her........
Shouldn't Ted Jaracz Resign?
by HoChiMin inted jaracz should resign so as not stumble any other faithful witnesses.. at least:.
according to wt rules ted jaracz should be removed from all appointed duties if an accusation of "rape and molestation" is brought against him.. it should be demanded of him!.
Black Man
I hate to rain on this parade but this whole claim of Jaracz being a molester SOUNDS like Bull-shit. He's not quite cut like that. Anybody that really knows him like I did back at the House would believe that he tried covering up molestation cases so that in his eyes it wouldn't bring public shame on "Jehovah's" name, which this I believe he did. But Jaracz is much too organized, smart and would never do anything THAT sloppy (molest/rape a girl). Jaracz's corruption is more CORPORATE ORIENTED (removing peeps, corporate politics). As far as being an authority figure and being a power broker, Jaracz is good for that. And this thing about him stepping down......please......it'll never happen. As everybody whose spent some time at the Big House knows, Jaracz runs the WTS. He is the most powerful figure there.....He ain't goin' nowhere.
With that said, I hope and wish this girl's molestation claims are true.....but it sounds like BS to me. She needs to come up with some REAL, HARD EVIDENCE.
Edited by - Black Man on 29 September 2002 20:21:19
Jehovah's Witnesses goal of a Utopian World
by kenpodragon inwhen ever i visit with relatives that are still witnesses, i tend to hear one comment more then others.
that being, "we would really love to see your face in paradise with us.
" it might not always be in those exact words, but it is along the same thought.
Black Man
The whole utopian world is founded on a shaky foundation. Even in JW speak, it was never utopian when it was supposed to be utopian. Back in the garden of eden there was clearly some dissension up in heaven WAY before Adam and Eve ate the fruit. As long as you have intelligent creatures blessed with the gift of free will NOTHING WILL BE PERFECT. Unless everyone is a preprogrammed robot (a la Stepford Wives or something) there will be no utopia.
What Blues Brother said was right on target............
"If you think about it, it is a materialistic goal . Everthing that money can buy ,and more, given to you on plate ... just so long as you love God enough and keep him happy. If not of course then only a "Second death" is good enough for you , you ungrateful so and so....... You join the mass of "Wicked" that have to be culled so that the rest of them can live in Paradise."
Okay (deep breath), This is Me...
by AGuest inedited, cause the first post no longer applies... .
you have to scroll down a bit.
sorry, but i flubbed it and shari/lilacs fixed it for me.
Black Man
a'ight....Shelby.....how about hittin' a brotha up with anotha pic......ok....pretty please?:)